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This site features my boat, the Empress.  The Empress and I have been together for about 15 years.  Now, when I say, "my boat", I am not sure that is exactly accurate.  Because I am not exactly sure who owns who.   You see, boats have a way of taking over you life, if you let them.   Most any boat owner knows what I mean.  The Empress is royalty after all, and can be demanding at times.  No wonder boats are affectionately referred to in the female tense.

For me, this is founded in a great love of the sea.  I have spent a great deal of time on the water, and I have to admit, I love it.   Be it in sail boats, kayaks, speedboats, cruisers, row boats, ships, it really doesn't really matter what kind of craft it is, as long as it is reasonably seaworthy.   The sea demands respect.  If you don't respect it, it has a way of teaching you a lesson.  It is bigger than you are.

Well, I bought this grand old lady, the Empress, in 1991.  I have done my level best to take good care of her, hoping she will do her best to take good care of me (especially when the going gets rough).  She has been named the Empress for most all here life, and that had to remain.  For the more I thought about renaming her, and the more I cared for her needs, the more I realized how appropriate her name was.

Well so far, so good.  We have cruised nearly 20,000 miles together.  And she only really completely let me down once when both engines stalled due to massive fuel contamination and inadequate fuel filters in the middle of Puget Sound.  Fortunately a generous fellow boater towed us into port.  Needless to say, she got better fuel filters.  Not really good enough, but better.  But that's another story.

We have had lots of great adventures together, the Empress and I.  And looking forward to more to come.  I put this site together to share a bit of this with others.  Hope you enjoy the cruise.

[For more info about the Empress, click on the following link or picture.]

The Empress

Empress at Rugged Point
Rugged Point, Kyuquot Sound, B.C., Canada - 1998


By the way, we are working on a portfolio of photographs to add to this site in the near future.

    For information about Matthews boats and about the
 Matthews Boat Owners Association
Click on the following link:

"Wherever you cruise, you'll find a Matthews"

thanks for visiting

Page last edited on 12/20/05

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� 1999-2005 by Randall Rice