The Matthews
Boat Owners Association was founded in 1977
for the express purpose of preserving the species.
The MBOA is a wonderful resource for owners and enthusiasts of Matthews Boats. It is operated by a dedicated group of volunteers and Matthews owners. They publish a quarterly newsletter that is interesting and informative. The modest membership dues is well worth it. I have been a member since 1992.
The MBOA also owns the complete record archives of the Matthews Boat Company. It is quite likely that they have extensive information about your specific Matthews. For a nominal fee, they will copy these archives and send you a valuable archival package for your specific boat.
For more information or to join the national organization, please write to the provided address.
Here in the Puget Sound area, we are also lucky to have a local chapter of the MBOA due to the efforts of Randy Mueller. Each year they organize a rendezvous for local Matthews enthusiasts. Please contact Randy Mueller for information and to be added to the mailing list to be notified of events.
For the PACIFIC NORTHWEST GROUP, write, call or e-mail:
Randy Mueller
MBOA Pacific Northwest Group
8424 Goodman Drive NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
Phone 253-858-6529
Last edited on: 12/08/05